02_Inclusion comittee

This committee plans the promotion, education, and support of school-wide awareness, acceptance and integration of children with special needs and their families. Helps to plan the spring Inclusion Carnival.


This is a committee that includes General Education and SPED Parents who are hoping to volunteer in our SPED classrooms.  These volunteers need to be flexible, as many of the opportunities will be "as needed" and for students who need a calm, dependable, nurturing adult to support them.


We would love to have our General Education population get to know our SPED teachers, paras, students and families, as we are all a part of the same amazing Grattan community.  As a school, we feel inclusion is one of the foundations of Grattan, and we want everyone to feel a strong sense of community when they walk through those front doors in the morning. 


Parents of General Education students often miss the chance to meet these awesome kids and teachers, and so we are offering up some ongoing opportunities to get to know just how special Grattan is through volunteering in their classrooms and on field trips.

 A willing volunteer will partner with a SPED classroom and collaborate with the SPED teacher and paras of that classroom on various activities or events, ie: Field Trips, hands-on activities in the classroom. 


Volunteer hours are not dedicated hours, and are dependent on how much time you are willing to give on any given day when you are needed.  There will be an opportunity posted or emailed to you by the Volunteer Committee or the classroom teacher, and you may accept "jobs" as they come.  

Positions (1/3 filled)

Committee Chair Signed Up: 2 / 2

Teacher Liaison Signed Up: 1 / 2

Sign up

Interested Volunteer Signed Up: 16 / 50

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