Green Action Fun Friday
Participate in Green Action Fun Friday the first Friday of every month These monthly events are to promote green actions in our school communities. RECYCLE: Do you recycle and compost? SAVE WATER: Do you use a reusable water bottle or a reusable lunch container? CONNECT TO NATURE: Do you garden? SAVE ENERGY: Do you turn off the lights when you’re not using them? REDUCE POLLUTION: Carpool, take Muni or join a Bike/Walk Train from neighborhoods to school. Snacks and prizes will be handed out to all the students who do any of the (5) green actions above. The classroom with the most participants will be the winner of the "Golden Sneaker" for that corresponding month. Walking School Buses are groups of children walking to school with one or more trusted adults. Families are encouraged to join an existing group or volunteer to lead a group from any neighborhood. If you live some distance from the school you can park and join a group. Bike train is a group of children and adults riding bikes together from a pre-determined meeting spot. We are actively looking for more families to start a walking school bus or bike train in their neighborhoods.