Staff Appreciation Lunch / Almuerzo de apreciación del personal
Thu, Dec 21 10:30am-1:15pm
Gardner Academy

Help us show appreciation for Gardner's outstanding teachers & staff.

The PTO will be hosting a staff lunch in the office on  December 21st. 


Ayúdenos a mostrar aprecio por los increíbles maestros y personal de Gardner.

El PTO organizará un almuerzo para el personal en la oficina en 21 de diciembre.



See attached for list of items we could use donated towards the lunch./Vea adjunto la lista de artículos que podríamos usar donados para el almuerzo.



Set Up/Preparar Signed Up: 0 / 6

Thu, Dec 21 10:30am-11:00am
Sign up

Serve Food/ Servicio de comida Signed Up: 0 / 6

Thu, Dec 21 11:00am-12:00pm
Sign up

Serve Food/ Servicio de comida Signed Up: 0 / 6

Thu, Dec 21 12:00pm-1:00pm
Sign up

Clean Up / Limpiar Signed Up: 0 / 6

Thu, Dec 21 1:00pm-1:15pm
Sign up