Walkathon and Silent Auction
Sat, Mar 11 7:30am-3:00pm
Gardner Academy
3 days before

Please help us with the Walkathon and Silent Auction on Saturday, March 11.  This will be a fun day and many hands make the work lighter.  Please give us a couple hours of your time to make it great!  Sign up for a time frame you prefer, and then check in at the volunteer table at the event to know where you are helping out.


Set Up Signed Up: 1 / 10

Sat, Mar 11 7:30am-9:00am
Sign up

Volunteer Signed Up: 2 / 10

Sat, Mar 11 11:00am-1:00pm
Sign up

Volunteer and Clean Up Signed Up: 0 / 10

Sat, Mar 11 1:00pm-3:00pm
Sign up