Bike Rodeo
Thu, May 1
Hacienda Environmental Science Magnet

We will hold our final Walk n Roll event of the school year with AM and PM activities on May 29th!



Join us in walking, biking, scootering, or rolling to school to build a love of human-powered movement, encourage healthy lifestyles, emphasize the safety of those who walk, bike or use other mobility devices, and help the environment. Walking school buses and bike parking are offered (details below). An adult family member must accompany students.



After school, starting at 3:15 pm, we’re partnering with the City of San Jose to offer a Bike Rodeo for our students! This free skills clinic will help our young riders learn safety skills as they have fun navigating a set course on the blacktop. All manual-powered wheels (bikes, scooters, skateboards, wheelchairs, rollerskates, etc) are welcome! Duration is 1-1.5 hours. An adult family member must accompany students. RSVPs are appreciated; sign up here:



*The traffic circle will be closed on Wed May 29 to accommodate WnR students at the front of the school safely

*Walking school bus will arrive at the front entrance (Kimberly Dr). A secondary WnR entrance will be at the kinder gate (Gardendale Dr) 

*For everyone’s safety, we ask that bicyclists walk their bikes on the sidewalk as they approach campus.

*Helmets are required for minors riding bikes


WALK N ROLL - Walking School Buses

Because the Hacienda family comes from all over town, feel free to join one of our “Walking School Buses” for the last leg of your journey as a fun way to participate! The Walking School Bus will be gathering at 8:15am and leaving at 8:30 am, from the southeast corner of Paul Moore Park (Cherry & Myrtle) to walk the three blocks to Hacienda together. Bikers and those on manual-powered wheels) are welcome to join in the walking school bus, but they will be traveling at their own pace as a subgroup due to their faster pace. Please note that students joining the Walking School Bus need an adult companion.  The bus rolls at 8:30 sharp! Signs are welcome!


Bike /Wheeled Parking

Secure parking for your bikes will be available inside the cafeteria for the school day. To expedite parking, please put your child’s name and grade level on their bike. Blue painter’s tape is suggested for easy removal. The bike rack outside the school office will also be available; a lock is recommended.


Parent Volunteers NEEDED - Sign up below!

WALK N ROLL: Volunteers at street crossings, and volunteers leading and “caboosing” walking school buses,  are very important for the safety of our students in the Walking School Buses.  Please sign up to make this a fun and SAFE event for everyone!

BIKE RODEO: Parents have an opportunity to assist with Bike Rodeo related fun on the blacktop!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Janny Choy or Melissa Cerezo.


Bike Rodeo Helpers - Blacktop at 3pm Signed Up: 0 / 6

Thu, May 1
Sign up

Walking School Bus Helpers Signed Up: 0 / 2

Thu, May 1
Sign up