Book Swap - Book Donations & Volunteers needed! Help get books in the hands of kids!
Mon, May 23 8:00am - Fri, May 27 3:30pm
Hacienda Environmental Science Magnet

We need your book donations! HIPS is still collecting books for the book swap this week. We are especially in need of older grade level reading. Please drop off books to the bins near the front office. 

We are also in need of volunteers to help sort books tomorrow (Wednesday) after school. 



Book Swap - Bringing it back!!!


Do you love to read?  Do you love to help kids read? Then this event is for you! 

Jobs include:

  1. Collecting book donations (All Week)
  2. Loosely sort by grade level ( May 25)
  3. Set up on campus (May 26th – 27th)
  4. Clean up & donate books not taken (May 27th  after-school) 


Book Collection (put out boxes by office) Signed Up: 2 / 3

Mon, May 23 8:00am-3:30pm
Sign up

Book Collection (put out boxes by office) Signed Up: 1 / 3

Tue, May 24 8:00am-3:30pm
Sign up

Book Leveling Signed Up: 2 / 3

Wed, May 25 3:30pm-4:30pm
Sign up

Wednesday - Book Collection (put out boxes by office) Signed Up: 1 / 2

Wed, May 25 8:00am-3:30pm
Collect boxes from office and put out for book collections. End of day take books to HIPS room for storage.
Sign up

Thursday - Put books out, bring in Signed Up: 2 / 2

Thu, May 26 8:00am-3:30pm
Set up books near cafeteria for students. Clean up after school and return books to HIPS room or cafeteria

Friday - Put books out, bring in Signed Up: 1 / 2

Fri, May 27 8:00am-3:30pm
Set up books near cafeteria for students. Clean up after school and ready books for donation.
Sign up

Donation - Take leftover books to a place of your choice! Signed Up: 2 / 2

Fri, May 27 3:30pm-3:30pm