DNO Panda Exp to Support Project Cornerstone
Local Restaurants in Our Community

Save these dates to support HIPS every month while feeding your family at the same time!


The end of the school year is always so busy! Take a break from cooking and support the YMCA’s Project Cornerstone by ordering from Panda Express on Wednesday, May 24. Available at Panda Express locations nationwide for online orders only (pick-up or delivery). Be sure to use code 915047 in the Fundraiser Code during checkout. All proceeds benefit the YMCA and help fund our beloved Project Cornerstone! In partnership with the YMCA, Project Cornerstone lays the groundwork for children to form positive, meaningful connections with adults and their peers through inspirational books and activities focused on key asset-building skills. 


Our HIPS DNO Lead is graduating!!! If interested in this HIPS position please reach out to a Board Member!!!