This parent-led program cultivates art appreciation from K to 5 by providing art history lessons alongside hands-on art projects. The six classroom lessons lead to an Art Vistas Exhibition in the spring. The cafeteria becomes an art gallery during Open House in May, and we showcase one work from each student. No experience or knowledge of art is necessary! The Art Vistas team provides lesson plans and training to all parent volunteers. Be a classroom docent or co-docent, where you teach the lessons and lead the art projects. If speaking in front of a class isn't your jam, be an assistant to the docent or docents, or we could always use help behind the scenes. The volunteer commitment is typically 2-3 hours per lesson, six times during the year. Join us in one of two information sessions this upcoming week:
Virtual Q & A (online): Monday, August 28, 7:00-8:00 PM. Zoom link: If you’re able, please message Davinna or Cliff on Konstella or via email at (Davinna) if you plan to attend, but either way you are welcome!
Orientation & training (in person): Thursday, August 31, 9:05-10:15 AM, in the school cafeteria. If you already know you'd like to be a classroom docent, classroom assistant, or behind-the-scenes helper, please join the Art Vistas page on Konstella. We look forward to meeting you! For questions, please message Davinna or Cliff on Konstella or via email at (Davinna).