Fri, Sep 30
K-2 Blacktop

 Movie Night needs you! Help us keep food lines short by volunteering for a concessions shift before or during the movie! Long lines = hungry and cranky kids (and adults:)) and these events aren’t possible without the help of our community. We also need pizza runners to pick up orders from Costco during the event (Gift Card provided for purchase!) If you would rather volunteer after the show we also still need to fill spots in our clean-up crew!

Kick-off Fall Break with your Hawk family with dinner and a movie under the stars!


WHEN: Friday, Sept. 30th, Concessions open at 6:30, Movie at 7:30

WHERE: Hacienda K-2 Blacktop

WHAT TO BRING: Bring blankets, pillows, and chairs to sit on the blacktop, please keep oversized chairs to the edges so they don't block the view. Sweatshirts will come in handy too as it does get a little chilly after the sun goes down! 

CONCESSIONS: We will have food trucks available including the always popular Mr. Softee Ice Cream truck! Pizza, popcorn, and other snacks will be available for purchase as well,  all opening at 6:30. All proceeds from concessions sales go to paying for the event costs. The Saigon Street Food Catering Menu is attached below to help you decide what to get before standing in line!


This is a free event, but please help us by RSVP’ing below so that we can ensure the correct quantities when ordering food!


We need volunteers to help make our  Movie Night a huge success! Consider volunteering for one shift during the event, or during set-up/clean-up. Do you have a teen who needs some community hours? This a great opportunity for them to help out our school!


RSVP - please include total number attending so we can plan for concessions! Signed Up: 195 / 1000

Fri, Sep 30 6:30pm-9:30pm
Sign up

VOLUNTEER: 5:30-6:30 Set Up - (set up concession tables and payment system, post signs, decorations, set out food and drinks, assist with inflatable movie screen set up) Signed Up: 6 / 6

Fri, Sep 30

VOLUNTEER: 7-8:30 PIZZA RUNNER (pick up additional pizzas as needed, GIFT CARD provided to purchase)) Signed Up: 1 / 1

Fri, Sep 30

VOLUNTEER: 6:30-7:30 SNACK TABLE (take payment for snacks, drinks and pizza) Signed Up: 8 / 8

Fri, Sep 30

VOLUNTEER: 7:30-8:45 SNACK TABLE (take payment for snacks, drinks and pizza) Signed Up: 6 / 6

Fri, Sep 30

VOLUNTEER: 8:45-9:30 CLEAN UP (help put away tables, lights and food, box up remaining items, return tables to shed, ensure cash boxes/square are returned, assist in taking down movie screen) Signed Up: 3 / 6

Fri, Sep 30
Sign up