Per Mr Weber: RHD Drill
This Thursday, Feb. 2nd, we will be conducting a Run, Hide, Defend drill at 10am. San Jose Unified is continuously taking steps to ensure student safety in the event of any emergency, such as a stranger on campus or an active shooter in the area. These drills should reassure your family that students will be informed on how to respond in an emergency situation.
What will this look like in the classroom?
-Teachers will lock the primary access door.
-Within the classroom, teacher direct students into safe areas within the classroom.
-Students will stay quiet and in place while rooms are being checked by support staff
-Teachers and students will wait until given the all clear to resume the regular class schedule.
We will announce the drill and students will not be allowed to leave their classrooms or the school until the drill has concluded. Please make sure that you will not have to pick up or drop off your student between 10:00 and 10:30am this day as we will not be able to disrupt the emergency drill.
Thu, Feb 2 10:00am
Hacienda Environmental Science Magnet