Resending Due to Broken Link: Bzzzzzzzz..... Not To *bug* You, But The PESTS Sign-ups Are Here!
Tue, Sep 14 11:23am

Konstella crashed again this morning! Apologies for all the things that didn't work correctly. Links have been revised and added back in. Thank you to everyone who let us know. 


PESTS stands for “Parents Encouraging Superior Teachers and Staff” and that is what we need you to sign up to do! Thank you to everyone who already signed up, but there are still a number of staff members that need a secret pal! 

More about the program:

Experience the joy of being someone's "secret pal," but EVERY month of the school year! Think of all the happiness you will bring to teachers who are working their hardest to pivot and help us all get over the pandemic hurdle, with sparkles and smiles to boot! Once a month you simply need to drop off a goodie or a note saying "thank you" to the person you are assigned, anonymously. No creativity is needed (but if you are Pinterest-y this will be your jam!), just a willingness to brighten someone's day. You can even drop off your item at the front desk or find a student (before or after class) to drop it off incognito! Teachers will fill out an interest survey (sent to them directly) that will be provided to you, so you can make sure to cater your monthly surprises to their likes and dislikes (including avoid allergies and sticking to any dietary restrictions).

We are looking for secret pals for each and every one of our staff members, teachers, office staff, aides, and even Mr Marcello our fantastic custodian! All names listed below need a PEST. It does NOT have to be your current teacher- it can be a past teacher you loved or an office member you notice always goes out of their way for all kids. Hacienda has AMAZING grownups caring for our kids, so there is no shortage of wonderful humans to pick from.

Please consider brightening the day of our fabulous staff by going to the committee signups today!


NEW PANDEMIC RULES: Please do NOT bring anything homemade foodwise until we are safe to do so. Right now prepackaged food, treats, candy, small gift cards, etc. are the preferred method to safely deliver anything edible.