Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day Nov 14
Families that Run/ Bike together
We will be walking rain or shine! It's looking like it will be a beautiful morning for a walk together - see you there!
Please join us for a very special Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. We seek to honor and reflect on Ruby Bridges' courage and resilience as she - a six-year-old first grader - became the first student to integrate our nation's public schools in 1960. 
We welcome everyone to join us at Paul Moore Park at 8:30am on Tuesday, November 14th as we walk to school together in celebration and gratitude.  As we walk in Ruby's shoes, we might reflect on all the barriers that Ruby and so many others have broken since then, and consider the ones that remain.  
At Hacienda, our students can now walk into school every day in relative comfort and safety.  But we acknowledge that inequities can exist anywhere, even here, and there is work we can do to make sure each member of our community feels like they belong.  Creating a welcoming environment for all of our students, our families, and our staff requires ALL of us.  Ruby teaches us that one child can make a big difference and we can choose to take actions big and small, every day, to make our Hawk community (and beyond) even better.
We realize that some students walk directly from home, ride the bus, or otherwise can't join us at Paul Moore Park - and that's okay. However many steps it takes you and your student to get to school on Nov. 14, take a minute to walk in Ruby's shoes and connect with something inspired by her journey that is meaningful for you.
Please wear something purple on this day to remember Ruby's courage if you can.

Remember, courage is inspiring and it is contagious! 

A couple of things

At Paul Moore Park, we will be a walking group only for this event, with no bike subgroup (wheelchairs are welcome)

Please note that students joining in at Paul Moore Park will need an adult companion. This is not a drop-off event

If you have any questions or suggestions about how we can make our school a more welcoming place, please reach out to  Melissa Cerezo or Janny Choy.


To learn more about Ruby Bridges, please check these resources:

Ruby Bridges Read Aloud:

Ruby Bridges for Kids:

Ruby Bridges Biography for Kids (longer):



8:30am Walking Group HELPERS Signed Up: 3 / 3

Help the walkers move along safely as a group. Please show up no later than 8:25am at Paul Moore Park (Cherry and Myrtle) to get a reflective vest and instructions.