Sprouts 2023-24 info session for volunteers and prospective volunteers
2nd-grade beds near the lower-grade classrooms

Interested in joining the Sprouts team? Sprouts is a HIPS-funded, parent-led, no experience needed, organic gardening enrichment for Hacienda students with just 6 in-classroom/in-garden lessons a year: 1) Soil Health and Nutrition, 2) Seeds and Seedlings, 3) Plant Growth & Plant Parts, 4) Nutrition Thru Garden Edibles, 5) Pollination, 6) Seed Production and Collection.

Sprouts leads will host a Sprouts Info Session after school on Tuesday, August 22, 3:00-3:45pm by the 2nd grade raised beds near the lower grade classrooms. Complete this interest survey: bit.ly/sproutsinterest and join the Sprouts group on Konstella beforehand! Already know what you want to do? Sign up on Konstella here to secure your spot as a Docent or Helper for your child(ren)'s classroom(s). Please note that this year some beds already have mature plants so those Docents will have a chance to skip ahead to Lesson 4-6 in the Fall and then do Lessons 1-3 in the Spring, if they so choose.