Sprouts-Information & Training Virtual Session (Gardening Program)
Thu, Sep 16 9:30am-10:00am
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5391236454?pwd=bFJvWjhKVmJrTDYzbkx6QlhNRXdSUT09


It's time to "Sprout" the Hacienda Gardens!  

The gardens at school have been a tradition for years for our Hawks to learn lifecycle of plants, being lead and primarily cared for by parents and students through the Sprouts program. This year 'Sprouts' lessons will look different since parents can't volunteer during school hours.  Therefore,

*We seek parents to lead/assist with virtual lessons and families to care for the gardens.

* We seek adults' and students' hard work after school or on weekends, dates to be announced shortly, to grow greens.

*Also, new this year, we will assign garden location by grades due to limited spaces in open areas.

TRAINING: Join us for one of the dates below to learn "hawk spirit" while gardening and volunteer roles via Zoom. If you can't attend, please contact Sprouts Coordinators 'sprouts@hips.rocks'. 

   Wednesday, September 15th at 7pm   OR

   Thursday, September 16th at 9:30am

Zoom link: Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5391236454?pwd=bFJvWjhKVmJrTDYzbkx6QlhNRXdSUT09

ASSISTANCE:  There is always plenty to do AND ideas to share.  If you wish to help from home (package seeds, make plant identification signs, etc.), please contact Sprouts Coordinators 'sprouts@hips.rocks'. 


Hacienda Sprouts - Parent Coordinator Team is a team of parents with a special heart for gardening, who share knowledge, tricks and tips in addition to coordinating the schoolwide program.  We seek more parents to join this team to create lessons, lead work days and more. If you are ready to be part of the team, let us know! 
Jessica Harmon, K and 3rd grade parent
Carolyn McCleve, 4th grade parent
Heather Stenshamn, 4th grade parent
ANY QUESTIONS: Please reach a few parents who enjoy gardening at sprouts@hips.rocks
Complete Zoom details: 

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