Thank You & Popsicle Party Winners
Mon, May 1 2:41pm

THANK YOU for your overwhelming support and the hard work of our dedicated volunteers, we were able to create a fun and awesome family fun event that raised over $46,000 in pledges for our beloved school.

Spring Fling was a truly memorable event. From the hundreds of laps walked, the scrumptious kettle corn and cotton candy, to Mr. Weber and Mrs. Escalante being dunked multiple times. It was a joy to see the children laughing, playing, and making memories together, while parents chatted and enjoyed.

Thank you so much to all of our wonderful volunteers who helped make this event possible. Your dedication, creativity, and hard work truly made the difference in making this fundraiser a success. We couldn't have done it without you! Jessica Harmon, Sarah Little, Megan Hostetler & Kimiko Coronel your are all rockstar HIPSters!! 


Upcoming Spring Fling Reward Events (those who qualify will be contacted via email)

Friday May 5th- Ice Cream Social w/Mr. Weber

Friday May 12th- Pizza Party w/Prof. Hawkeye


Popsicle Party Winners!!! (Teacher will decide on date) 

Escalante, Luong & Hargunani


Share your photos here in the Google Drive!