Urgent Request- Videographer on 2/15!
Wed, Feb 15 8:45am-3:00pm
Hacienda Environmental Science Magnet



Show the music department a little LUV this week by helping to fill a recording gap!
Mrs. Ulrich is seeking a videographer for the below performances- one at the beginning and one at the end of the day on Wednesday! The video camera will be provided and Ms. Ulrich can give a quick run-through on Tuesday before or after school on how to use it. Editing is not required, it is mostly a point-and-shoot volunteer position... just make sure the camera is turned on ;) The videographer does not need to be the same person for both sessions. Thank you so much for helping capture this special memory for each grade level!!! 


3rd-grade music performance Signed Up: 1 / 1

Wed, Feb 15 8:45am-10:00am

4th-grade recorder concert Signed Up: 1 / 1

Wed, Feb 15 2:00pm-3:00pm