Please come lend a hand at the ODC workday if you are able! Spots are still available.
The Science team will be hosting our first workday at the Outdoor Classroom (ODC) this year on Saturday, November 20th. This adult-only workday will tackle several improvements and deferred maintenance that is sorely needed in the garden. Please come lend a hand if you are able!
For the new Hacienda families, the ODC is a special one-acre garden that is regularly used by all the students during science class. It is planted with primarily California native plants and is organized by five different ecosystems found right here in Santa Clara County: chaparral, oak woodland, redwood forest, grassland, and riparian. It's one of the most special features of Hacienda and our science program.
There are three different projects we hope to tackle:
Assemble compost bins: two brand new compost bins - large and bulky - will need 2-3 people per bin for assembly. If you love to put things together, this is the job for you!
"Remodel" the compost area: the compost area needs some re-structuring to improve functionality, including some tear-down and moving piles. Let's help give this area a fresh start!
Thinning and weeding: the native bush mallow has taken over an entire section of the Chaparral plant community over the years. We need to remove most of it to make room for other native plants. We need your energy to help curb this very enthusiastic plant! There is also a concentrated section of privet - an invasive weed- in the Redwood plant community that needs to be removed to help reduce its spread to other areas of the ODC.
Due to the nature of the work we have planned for this workday, we are keeping it to parents only, no children please. Please bring water, a snack, and gloves. Let me (Janny Choy) know if you have any questions. Thank you for supporting the Science program!