Art Vistas 23-24

Art Vistas is a volunteer led art curriculum that creates opportunities for art appreciation and art history for all classes at Hacienda. Each class receives 6 presentations over the course of the school year. The volunteers who teach the lessons, called docents, can teach all 6 lessons to their students' classroom, or you can also sign up to be a co-docent and share the fun!

All docents will be provided with materials and lesson plans. It is also helpful to have 2-3 helpers for each lesson. All volunteers must be cleared through the district.

Each grade level shares a bin with supplies prepared for all students ahead of time. These supplies will allow the docents to help teach techniques from the art lesson with an age-appropriate hands-on art project. This is where the helpers come in handy!

Training and practice time will be provided before each of the 6 lessons during school hours and the Art Vistas team is always available for any support and questions to help the lessons flow smoothly.

We are excited to bring back the Art Exhibit this year! During Open House, this is a celebration of our students in May, which transforms the cafeteria into an art gallery while displaying one piece of art from every student at Hacienda.


Positions (29/53 filled)

Committee Chair Signed Up: 1 / 2

Sign up

Prints Coordinator Signed Up: 0 / 1

Sign up

Everly Co-Docent K Signed Up: 2 / 2

Everly Helper Signed Up: 1 / 2

Sign up

Hollenbeck Docent K Signed Up: 1 / 1

Hollenbeck Helper Signed Up: 1 / 3

Sign up

Tucker Docent K Signed Up: 1 / 1

Tucker Helper Signed Up: 0 / 3

Sign up

Reid Docent K Signed Up: 1 / 1

Reid Helper Signed Up: 3 / 3

Brown Co-Docents 1st Signed Up: 2 / 2

Brown Helper Signed Up: 0 / 2

Sign up

Hargunani Docent 1st Signed Up: 1 / 1

Hargunani Helper Signed Up: 1 / 3

Sign up

Hamilton Docent 1st Signed Up: 1 / 1

Hamilton Helper Signed Up: 0 / 3

Sign up

Escalante Co-Docent 1st Signed Up: 2 / 2

Escalante Helper Signed Up: 2 / 2

Griffeth Docent 2nd Signed Up: 1 / 1

Griffeth Helper Signed Up: 2 / 3

Sign up

Guillen Docent 2nd Signed Up: 1 / 1

Guillen Helper Signed Up: 2 / 3

Sign up

Unze Docent 2nd Signed Up: 1 / 1

Unze Helper Signed Up: 1 / 3

Sign up

Luong Docent 2nd Signed Up: 1 / 1

Luong Helper Signed Up: 3 / 3

Hoogerwerf Docent 3rd Signed Up: 1 / 1

Hoogerwerf Helper Signed Up: 3 / 3

Miner Docent 3rd Signed Up: 1 / 1

Miner Helper Signed Up: 2 / 3

Sign up

Selfridge Docent 3rd Signed Up: 1 / 1

Selfridge Helper Signed Up: 2 / 3

Sign up

Seymour Co-Docents 3rd Signed Up: 2 / 2

Seymour Helper Signed Up: 2 / 2

McClure Docent 4th Signed Up: 1 / 1

McClure Helper Signed Up: 0 / 3

Sign up

Nance Docent 4th Signed Up: 1 / 1

Nance Helper Signed Up: 3 / 3

Anders Docent 4th Signed Up: 0 / 1

Sign up

Anders Helper Signed Up: 1 / 3

Sign up

Hayes Docent 4th Signed Up: 1 / 1

Hayes Helper Signed Up: 2 / 3

Sign up

Huston Docent 5th Signed Up: 1 / 1

Huston Helper Signed Up: 0 / 3

Sign up

Sirobushanam Docent 5th Signed Up: 1 / 1

Sirobushanam Helper Signed Up: 0 / 3

Sign up

Tsao Docent 5th Signed Up: 1 / 1

Tsao Helper Signed Up: 1 / 3

Sign up

Muller Docent 5th Signed Up: 1 / 1

Muller Helper Signed Up: 1 / 3

Sign up

Bin Prep Signed Up: 1 / 6

Volunteer when it is convenient for you before any of the 6 lessons are given. Prep work includes cutting paper, sharpening pencils, bundling supplies by class, and placing art prints in the portfolios.
Sign up

Bin Clean Up Signed Up: 0 / 6

Volunteer when it is convenient for you after any of the 6 lessons are taught. Clean up includes washing paint trays and brushes, restocking crayons and pastels, checking for wear and tear on reusable items and restocking remaining materials.
Sign up

HIPS Communications Liaison Signed Up: 0 / 1

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