Sprouts Gardening with students is back during the school day!


It's time to revive our garden beds and try some after school planting, tending, harvesting to keep the environmental mindset of our school active.

At this time, the year plan is to * clear out the garden beds and prep soil for planting;  * plant and tend the beds * lessons of the science of what is happening in the garden beds; * harvest.  We would love to have volunteers from every class to help accomplish these tasks through out the school year. Before gardening is completed, we do ask that volunteers understand garden protocols and safety as these gardens are school property with years of love and hardwork to keep them on our campus. Training dates will be posted shortly! 


Please consider being part of the core parent team! If you have any questions, contact the group at 'sprouts@hips.rocks'. 


More about Sprouts:

“Sprouts” is Hacienda’s community of volunteer parents and grandparents who connect students to the natural world through gardening. Gardening provides a hands-on approach to science. By working with the soil and the plants, students experience and connect with the cycles of nature. Harvesting and eating the fruits of the garden allows students to experience the joy of growing their own food and tasting fresh produce. Through gardening, students learn about ecology, botany, horticulture, nutrition, earth science and more.

At Hacienda, Sprouts volunteers work with students and teachers in the class garden and with garden-related projects. Sprouts works to support and assist the garden parent with gardening education, curriculum, and activities.  Sprouts works to obtain seeds, compost, pots, potting soil, garden gloves and more through donations, grants, and fundraisers, such as plant sales.

Each class is successful with at least 1 Docent, 1-2 Helper(s) 

DOCENT:  *Attend monthly trainings/material prep meetings 30 min - 1 hour per lesson (6 total per year).  The  lessons are provided.  The Docent will teach the lesson virtually.
*Coordinate with classroom teacher to schedule time for each virtual lesson.
*Deliver Sprouts Lessons – 6 scripted lessons total per year to entire class. - approx 30 min
*Additional time at home to prepare self

*Work in the classroom assigned garden bed with the support of the Helpers.


* Help Docent plant, tend, water, and harvest the classroom garden.  

* Coordinate a garden care schedule after school / weekends

Positions (29/51 filled)

Committee Chair Signed Up: 1 / 3

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Science Teacher Signed Up: 1 / 2

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Science Assistant Signed Up: 1 / 1

K DOCENT-Reid Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description Above

K HELPERS -Reid Signed Up: 2 / 2

See Description above

K DOCENT-Tucker Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description Above

K HELPERS-Tucker Signed Up: 2 / 2

See Description above

K DOCENT-Everly Signed Up: 0 / 1

See Description Above
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K HELPERS-Everly Signed Up: 2 / 2

See Description above

K DOCENT-Hollenbeck Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description Above

K HELPERS- Hollenbeck Signed Up: 2 / 2

See Description above

1st Hargunani - DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description above

1st Hargunani - HELPERS Signed Up: 1 / 2

See Description above
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1st Escalante- DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description Above

1st Escalante- HELPERS Signed Up: 1 / 2

See Description above
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1st Brown - DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 2

See Description Above
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1st Brown- HELPERS Signed Up: 2 / 4

See Description above
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1st Hamilton - DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description Above

1st Hamilton- HELPERS Signed Up: 0 / 3

See Description above
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2nd Griffeth - DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description Above

2nd Griffeth- HELPERS Signed Up: 2 / 2

See Description above

2nd Guillen - DOCENT Signed Up: 0 / 1

See Description Above
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2nd Guillen- HELPERS Signed Up: 1 / 2

See Description above
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2nd Unze - DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 2

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2nd Unze - HELPERS Signed Up: 1 / 2

See Description for Helpers above
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2nd Luong - DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description Above

2nd Luong - HELPERS Signed Up: 1 / 2

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3rd Selfridge - DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description for Docents Above

3rd Selfridge- HELPERS Signed Up: 2 / 2

See Description above

3rd Seymour - DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description for Docents Above

3rd Seymour- HELPERS Signed Up: 2 / 2

See Description above

3rd Hoogerwerf -DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description for Docents Above

3rd Hoogerwerf- HELPERS Signed Up: 4 / 4

See Description above

3rd Miner - DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description for Docents Above

3rd Miner - HELPERS Signed Up: 2 / 2

See Description above

4th Anders -DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description for Docents Above

4th Anders- HELPERS Signed Up: 2 / 2

See Description above

4th Hayes -DOCENT Signed Up: 0 / 1

See Description for Docents Above
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4th Hayes- HELPERS Signed Up: 2 / 2

See Description above

4th Nance -DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description for Docents Above

4th Nance- HELPERS Signed Up: 1 / 2

See Description above
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5th Muller -DOCENT Signed Up: 0 / 1

See Description for Docents Above
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5th Muller- HELPERS Signed Up: 0 / 2

See Description above
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5th Tsao - DOCENT Signed Up: 0 / 1

See Description for Docents Above
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5th Tsao - HELPERS Signed Up: 1 / 2

See Description above
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5th Huston - DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description for Docents Above

5th Huston- HELPERS Signed Up: 1 / 2

See Description above
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5th Sirobushanam - DOCENT Signed Up: 1 / 1

See Description for Docents Above

5th Sirobushanam - HELPERS Signed Up: 2 / 3

See Description above
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Other Helpers when class is full or dedicated gardeners behind the scenes Signed Up: 47 / 90

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HIPS Communication Liaison Signed Up: 1 / 1