Science Helpers 24-25

Our Science team of Ms. Roberts and Mrs. Weisshahn are hard at work finding new ways to make Science engaging for our students.   They would greatly appreciate any help with the following. 

  • An Outdoor Classroom (ODC) maintenance liaison to schedule and manage safe workdays.  
  • ODC Gardening Maintenance helpers are needed to help with cleaning the ODC (raking leaves, weeding, and pruning).
  • Finally, the Science lab towel laundry is starting to pile up. We're looking for folks to sign up here to pick up laundry at school, wash at home and return to school.   If you are able to help, please sign up for the laundry position and we will try to arrange a schedule among the volunteers. 

Positions (3/6 filled)

Committee Chair Signed Up: 6 / 5

ODC Maintenance Liaison Signed Up: 0 / 1

Meet with the Science teachers periodically to assess the clean up needs of the ODC. Arrange dates/times to meet with volunteers to delegate the work.
Sign up

ODC Gardening Helpers Signed Up: 15 / 30

Science is looking for folks to help with gardening maintenance of the ODC. Duties include raking leaves, weeding and pruning.
Sign up

Laundry Helpers Signed Up: 18 / 30

The science lab towels need to be washed once a month. We don't want this to fall on one person, so the more volunteers the better, even if you can only help out once, please consider signing up. The helper will need to pick up the laundry at the end of a week to take home to wash and return to school at the beginning of the next week.
Sign up

Science Volunteers in Misc. Areas Signed Up: 30 / 30

You will be contacted when needs arise!

Communications HIPS Liaison Signed Up: 1 / 1