Library Book Check-In Volunteers (8:15-9:00AM)

Thank you for library volunteers for helping check in/out books, shelve books, and help with special library projects that make our library more organized fun, and efficient!

Positions (2/6 filled)

Committee Chair Signed Up: 2 / 2

Help coordinate and organize library volunteers. Be the lead in communicating tasks and jobs needed for that week.

MONDAY Books check-in (8:15-9:00) Signed Up: 0 / 2

Help check in the books that come in on Monday morning, and put them onto shelving carts. First thing in the morning.
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TUESDAY Books check-in (8:15-9:00) Signed Up: 2 / 2

Help check in the books that come in on Tuesday morning, and put them onto shelving carts. First thing in the morning.

WEDNESDAY book check-in (8:15-9:00) Signed Up: 1 / 2

Help check in the books that come in on Wednesday morning, and put them onto shelving carts. First thing in the morning.
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THURSDAY book check-in (8:15-9:00) Signed Up: 0 / 2

Help check in the books that come in on Thursday morning, and put them onto shelving carts. First thing in the morning.
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Book Shelving (Trained Position) Signed Up: 2 / 6

We need help shelving the many books that come back to the library. This is a position where you would be trained on how/where to properly put the books back onto the shelves. The exact days/times each week could be somewhat flexible, and you would work with Ms. Cathy's and Mona on to decide on these times/days (depending on your schedule and that week's need).
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