PTO Meeting
Tue, Apr 10 7:00pm
Hinckley-Big Rock Elementary
1 day before

PTO Agenda 4/10/18


Call to order




Treasurer’s report


Elementary School news


Middle School news


Old Business:

Daddy Daughter Dance 4/21

Book fair 3/12-3/16

Morning with Mom 3/14-3/16

Grandparents Night

Parent Teacher Conference 3/22

Flag Sales

Raging Waves

ES Playground

Nominating Committee - President & Treasurer openings


New Business:

Middle School Book Fair 5/16-5/20

Dairy Joy Night

Teacher Appreciation Week 5/7-5/11

Battle of the Books 3rd grade 5/11 4/5th grade?

Spring Band Reception

Hot Dog Day/ Field Day

Graduation Dance

Retirement Party




Next Meeting: May 8,2018 7pm Elementary School Learning Center