Hi Hugo Reid parents and guardians,
We would like to provide you with a "Cheat Sheet" to best utilize the Konstella app. It is important that you remain updated with both classroom specific messages and school-wide announcements in order to be informed of everything happening this school year -- on both the Primary and Elementary school campuses.
Join a Classroom
If you have not already done so, please "move" your child to their assigned classroom ASAP, so that you are kept in the classroom communication loop. Room parents will be utilizing Konstella to send important updates and messages during the year.
Web: Click your name in the top left corner. Click "Your Children" to add/modify your children. At the bottom of each child's profile box lists a Classroom option. Click and locate your child's teacher's name to assign them to the correct classroom.
Mobile App: Click the Settings icon in the top left corner. Click "Your Children". Follow same process as above.
Join a Committee
There are many opportunities for you to volunteer your time as a committee lead or member, as a way to be more involved in the planning and leadership of various activities. Take a look at some of the committees that are in the works for the Fall and consider signing up. More committees and sign-up sheets will be formed as the school year unfolds, and you will be notified of these through Konstella emails.
Web: Click the green "Committees" link on the left-hand menu to browse the committees. Click on a committee and sign up or remove yourself.
Mobile App: Click the "Directory" tab at the bottom. Click "Browse Committees” to browse and sign up for the committees.
Send a Message to a Group
Web: The left-hand menu shows all the groups you are in. Click the group, type in the text area to post a message. Or, click the + sign right next to “Private Messages” to create a new group.
Mobile App: The "Messages" tab at the bottom shows all the groups you are in. Click any group to send messages. Or, click the + sign at the top right corner to create a new private group.Send a Message to an Individual or Individuals
Send a Message to an Individual or Individuals
Web: Click the "+" sign right next to the "Messages" label on the left-hand menu.
Mobile App: On the “Messages” tab, click the "+" at the top right corner. Choose "Send a Private Message".
Summary of the Mobile App Navigation
School Tab: Shows the announcements, events, and sign-ups in your school and classrooms.
Messages Tab: Shows the groups you are in and the messages in the groups.
Directory Tab: Allows you to look up parents, browse committees (iPhone), and Social Groups.
Settings Icon in the top left corner: for account settings, such as your children's profiles and any sales orders completed through the app