Tue, Dec 17 9:12am
December 17, 2024 |
It was great to see all those who came out to the T-Shirt Distribution/Holiday Social this past week. We distributed over 240 student T-Shirts (and many cookies) to smiling faces! We hope you wear your Imai T-Shirt proudly, knowing that you are a valuable member in our thriving Imai student/family/teacher/staff community!
- PTA 2024 in Review: Thank you to every parent, teacher, staff, student, and community member who makes our Imai community strong. Through your membership, volunteering, and generous donations, we've accomplished so much this year including:
- 299 PTA Memberships
- $110,00 raised from Auction (Parents Night Out) + Ongoing Kid/Adult/Family Social Parties all year - Wow, Thank you!
- iReady ELA & Math modules funded for ALL GRADES
- New AV System for the MUR
- Field Trip Memories (to last a lifetime!)
- Community Building: Welcome Back Picnic, Costume Swap, Book Swap, T-Shirts for all students
- Funds to help teachers enrich their classrooms
- ... and much much more!
- Imai T-Shirt Distribution in 2025: Were you unable to pick up your (free, for students) T-shirt? Don’t worry! Remaining T-shirts will be distributed to the classrooms in January. Any Q’s? Contact president@imaipta.org
- Save the Date for PTA Events in Early 2025:
- PTA General Association Meeting on Wed, 1/15
- Board Game / Toy Swap: Upcoming in January
- Family Valentine’s Dance Party on Th, 2/6 (evening in MUR)
YEAR-END GIVING and REMINDERS from Previous Weeks:
- Gift Cards for Families in Need: If you’d like to contribute, please bring gift cards (e.g. Safeway, Walmart, Target, Costco) to the office or have them delivered electronically to asiam@mvwsd.org.
- For awareness, PTA policies do not allow PTA funds to be used to purchase personal gifts, such as gift cards.
- Virtual Gift Drive: *UPDATE*: It's not too late to join. Drive ends Mon, Dec 23.
- Visit https://wishdrive.org/imaielementary. Select a gift to purchase. Most are $25-45. This is a great way to involve your kid in “holiday shopping”. Check out this video to learn more.
- MVEF December Donation Drive: Double or Triple your impact by donating to MVEF in December 2024. Every dollar donated to MVEF will be matched dollar-for-dollar thanks to a $35k Challenge Grant. This year, MVEF so far has raised $625k towards our $1.2 million goal which funds vital programs such as art, music, science programs, smaller English class sizes, and support for sports and clubs in the district. Any gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. Check out this video to learn how MVEF impacts our students.
- Winter Afterschool (M-F) Enrichment Programs: Check out the spreadsheet and sign up today, so we can ensure we have enough students to run these awesome programs.
- *NEW* Classes include: Art by CalColor (K-2, Th) and Pickleball (K-5, Fri)
- Changed days: Mad Science (Mon), Snapology (Wed), Comic Art (Wed)
Check our website or follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay in-the-know for upcoming dates and events!
Did you volunteer this week? Please help PTA track volunteer hours by filling out this form.
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