BACK TO SCHOOL WEEK August 12, 2024 |
Thank you to all the families who came out for Beautification Day! Here’s a special note from our librarian, Ms. Alisa: “I want to express my immense gratitude for all the help today! I never imagined that we’d get all of that inventory done today, let alone deliver some materials to teachers!” Thanks, Imai community, for showing up to serve your school and teachers!
If you volunteered at Beautification Day, please help PTA track volunteer hours by filling out this form.
BACK TO SCHOOL reminders for this whirlwind week.
- Mon, Aug 12 (3:00pm - 4:30 pm): Meet the Teachers and PTA Popsicle Party -Please see email from your teachers as to what time they'll be available for meet and greet. Then, stop by the PTA table for popsicles and more information on membership and how to be involved with the Imai community. Come visit the MVEF table as well to learn about how your donations directly support in-class educational enrichment.
- Tues, Aug 13: First Day of School - Minimum day - dismissal at 11:55am.
- Wed, Aug 14: Normal day
- Th, Aug 15: Th schedule - dismissal at 11:55 am
- Fri, Aug 16: Normal day
- 8:30-9:30 am Principal's Welcome Back Coffee in the MUR
- For TK students, see instructions from your teachers/Mrs. Siam
VOLUNTEER BADGE PROCESS: If you are interested in volunteering on campus during school hours, please note that frequent volunteers (more than 3 times per year) are required to apply for a volunteer badge.
- Volunteer training (for BOTH renewing and new volunteers) - By California law, mandatory volunteer training is required each year. This can be completed at home online for a small fee, or at the MVWSD district office for free. Click here to sign up for the in-person training at the district office on Tu, Aug 20 (9-11 am, 5-7pm) or Tu, Sept 3 (9-11 am)
- Complete directions for the volunteer application process are available here at the MVWSD website. An email from the district with instructions was also sent to previous volunteers on Aug 5.
- Note: Volunteering at PTA events outside of school hours (e.g. Beautification Day, Book Fair, Walkathon, Eaglefest) does not count towards the 3x/yr mentioned above
- Please place your students into their classroom on Konstella. This helps parents and teachers in your classroom communicate with each other
- Directions: On a computer: Log into → Click on your name at the top left → Select "your children" and then, for each student, "Join Classroom" to place your students in their respective rooms.
- If you know a family new to Imai, invite them to join Konstella.
- Directions: Direct them to → Enter email address → Click “Join as a parent” → Check email for an invitation from Konstella, and Click “Join Imai Parents / / Imai PTA”.
Check our website or follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay in-the-know for upcoming dates and events!
Did you volunteer this week? Please help PTA track volunteer hours by filling out this form.
If you would like to stop receiving messages via Konstella, reply to this email and request removal.