Order Yearbook TODAY; Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week Reminders; Fun May Activities
Fri, May 3 12:32am
May 3, 2024

Only 4 weeks left of school?? How did time fly by so quickly? Don’t forget these end-of-the-year events!

  • Yearbook Reminders: Purchase your yearbook today. Don’t delay! You don’t want your kid to miss out on signing what they want to say. (That was a rhyme for you!) Order by Sat, May 4. 
  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week on May 6-10: Click here for a reminder on what to bring each day for your teacher. And, you’re welcome (and encouraged!) to bring treats and tokens of gratitude for teachers aides and instructional assistants, librarian, front office staff, Mr. Delgado (custodian), Principal Siam, PE/Music/Art teachers, Yard Duty, cafeteria workers, and anyone else who you appreciate at school each day.
    • Mon: Flower
    • Tues: Card
    • Wed: Drink
    • Th: Garden plant
    • Fri: Candy, chocolate, fruit
  • ACTIVITIES in May: So, you’re ready for Eaglefest (Fri, May 17) and the Imai Campout (Sat, May 18-Sun, May 19)... but did you know there are other Imai community-hosted events in May as well? Check out Capture the Flag (4th), (multiple!) pool parties, Tacos & Tequila (adults), and Olympic games (K/1). Check here for party descriptions, dates/times, and costs. 
    • Special call out for Family Pool Party @ Naharissons on Sat, 5/18 at 10:30 am - 2:00 pm


Check our website or follow us on Facebook to stay in-the-know for upcoming dates and events!

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