iParty Volunteers
Wed, Oct 23 11:00am-12:30pm
Innovation Middle School
2 days before

Our first iMiddle iParty of the year is being held on Wed, Oct 23rd.

iParties are held to reward students for good grades and citizenship. Special snacks and entertainment (such as music, games and game trucks) are provided by the Parent Foundation.

But we NEED Parent Help to make these happen! We need 4 parent volunteers to help set up, make drinks, distribute snacks and help supervise during our iParty from 11am -12:30pm. One person should also be in charge of the game truck tickets and times.

If you can help on Oct 23rd, please sign up on Konstella or email the iMiddle Parent Foundation at imiddlefoundation@gmail.com

We appreciate your support!!



iParty Volunteer Signed Up: 2 / 4

Wed, Oct 23 11:00am-12:30pm
Sign up