🗞 JP PTO "Quibbler" Issue 5
Tue, Oct 31 11:25pm


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Text version of the JP PTO "Quibbler" for Konstella translation purposes



This morning, Mother Nature heard our collective call and scarred away rain and clouds, allowing our children to show off with pride their Halloween costumes under a sunny blue sky! Hundreds of smiling parents appeared in front of the school to snap a picture of their kiddos. JP held its parade under this year’s theme of Harry Potter! No need of verita serum to say it was just enchanting!



Is it trash or is it treasure? Our education program, created in collaboration with the National Wildlife Federation, encourages us all to rethink what we consider trash and recognize its inherent value as part of the circular economy. Our signature TOT mail-back candy wrapper recycling box brings that vision to life, inspiring communities around the country to recycle more all year round.

So collect your candy wrappers and drop them in the box located in the JP cafeteria! A small gesture for a big impact!



The 2nd grade is participating in Treats For Troops by collecting candy for military members serving abroad. We are asking families in all grades to send in leftover Halloween candy from Wednesday Nov. 1st to Monday Nov. 6th. There will be a bin in the front office for drop off.



JP will knock Homefront’s socks off with its collection of new socks over the month of October.

Thanks to your generosity, our vice presidents of community services, Elme Schmid and Lin Chang, in partnership with our 5th grade teachers Ms. Vunk and Ms. Garriton, have collected hundreds of pairs of socks that they will donate to Homefront in preparation for the cold season!

Thank you JP parents, students and staff for your generosity!



Speaking of preparing for the cold season, November is the month of our JP Warm Clothes Drive. Our vice presidents of school support, Shae Cox and Phil Arnold, will be collecting any new or slightly used (clean) warm clothing items to help those in our community who need them during winter. Please go through your closets and pass on any items that you are no longer needing!

Donated items can be placed in the collection box located in the foyer of the school, or you can give them to Shae and Phil at the car drop-off days:

  • Friday Nov. 3;
  • Monday Nov. 6th; and
  • Friday Nov. 17th.



Thanks to your ongoing voluntary donations, the 2023-2024 voluntary donations drive currently stands at 84% of its objective of $28,000!

Because we are just $4,500 away from reaching 100% of our objective, we are extending the voluntary donation deadline to this Friday, November 3rd.

Please help us reaching this objective! We are almost there! Click on this QR code to make your donation!



The JP 5th graders who volunteered to help with the Bake Sale last week truly rose to the occasion! Hats off to them because their hard work and very “enthusiastic” selling skills allowed them to fundraise over $2,000 for their graduation celebratory activities!!!

Of course, none of that would have been possible without parents and students who stopped in the entrance of the school to purchase those yummy pastries (all donated by parents of 5th graders), some coffee or apple cider and raffle tickets, before making their way to their teacher/parent conference.

The icing on the cake is that these 5th graders worked together as a team, brought creative ideas, and with each day, they learned what worked/what didn’t and constantly improved the process. They came up with the “mystery bag” idea to entice more customers, they named the coffee of the day “Special JP Roast”, they tried BOGO and adjusted prices as needed, and it was so much fun to watch them try different techniques. We are thoroughly impressed by all of them!

Our vice presidents of 5th grade activities, Pia Ahn, Jennifer Barthelemy, Alexia Burnett Salinas and Begoña Mendiguren Fernandez, as well as our JP 5th graders are very grateful for your generosity and support! Thank you!



Last Saturday evening at the Salt Creek Grill was the Party Board Kick-Off Gala, a wonderful evening organized by our vice presidents of fundraising, Alisan Kavookjian and Maggie Colston. A big thank you to them for having allowed over 55 JP parents to show up in all ways boisterous and subtle and to participate in an evening of excitement and good cheer, to share in entertaining conversations, enjoy live music with Kevin Kavookjian, and of course benefit of the party board ticket pre-sale! A special thank to John Kavookjian for capturing the evening in pictures.



Party boards are a great opportunity to get involved with the JP community and make new friends — a special experience that can be for kids and/or adults! It is also the second major fundraising initiative of the JP PTO. Sponsoring families donate the party boards time and materials, school community members then purchase tickets to attend a party board, and all party board ticket sale proceeds go directly to the JP PTO. This year objective is to raise $22,000 through the sale of the party board tickets.

Today and tomorrow, each student will receive a paper copy of the Party Board Booklet to bring home.

  • Each listing includes a QR code that is linked to the event management platform Eventbrite.
  • Scan the codes to view the Party Boards in Eventbrite.
  • Purchase tickets to however many Party Boards you wish! 

The JP PTO is immensely grateful to everybody who can pledge their time, talent, and treasure to help make the 2023–2024 list of Party Boards so special, and to everyone who can purchase tickets! Together, we will all Write the Story of a Great Year …



On November 7, the Princeton Public Schools will ask voters to consider a $13 million bond referendum to realize the following projects: technology network and internet upgrades (particularly for JP which, as you know, has notoriously deficient cellular reception!), playground equipment upgrades, high school cafeteria renovations, energy-efficient building climate control, and security enhancements and maintenance projects across the district. Click on this link https://sites.google.com/view/pps-referendum-2023 for more information, and do not forget to exercise your right to vote on this referendum on November 7, 2023!



All JP parents are invited to attend in person the open session of the monthly meeting of the JP PTO executive board that will take place at the school in the teachers’ lounge this coming Friday, November 3rd, from 8:45am to 9:30am.

Bring your coffee and listen to informative update from Dr. S, the co-presidents of the JP PTO, and the co-presidents of the Koko fund. It is also an excellent opportunity to ask questions to the executive members of the JP PTO as well as to the representatives of the Board of Education.

For those of you who can’t attend in person, the meeting will also be accessible via Zoom.

Further details will be communicated on Konstella this Wednesday. We are looking forward to seeing you Friday!