Winter Club Openings: Grab Your Spots by Tomorrow Night!
Mon, Jan 22 2:47pm
We are excited to announce that Book Club on Tuesdays is now open to Grade 1 and Board Games on Mondays has expanded its offerings to Board Games + Hot Wheels. Please see below for these clubs and others that still have open availability. Registration closes tomorrow night at 8pm so be sure to grab your spots before then!
Board Games + Hot Wheels - formerly Board Game Club (Grades K-5)
McCarter Improv Storytelling (Grades K-2)
Tennis (Grades K-5)
Book Club - Now open to First Graders!! (Grades PreK-1)
Brain Train Little Scientists (Grades K-1)
Soccer (Grades 3-5)
Yoga (Grades 3-5)
Basketball (Grades 3-5)
Spanish & Art (Grades K-1)
Yearbook (Grade 5)
Mindfulness (Grades K-2)
Soccer (Grades K-2)
The JP PTO Executive Board