24/25 BizTown

This year our PTO is providing funding for every 5th grader to attend BizTown. This program introduces 5th graders to economic concepts, workplace skills, and personal and business finances in a simulated city built for young students. We need volunteers to chaperone and help in the classroom to make this amazing day a reality for our 5th graders every year!


We will need chaperones on January 30th at BizTown, and several days leading up to the event.

Positions (2/3 filled)

Committee Chair Signed Up: 1 / 1

Coordinate with teachers and volunteers to make sure all duties are met for classes to attend the big event.

Committee Member Signed Up: 8 / 10

Volunteer to chaperone on the day of the event, or help out on the days leading up to BizTown.
Sign up

PTO Board Liaison Signed Up: 1 / 1