24/25 Wishes Granted



The Monte Vista Wishes Granted is an opportunity for teachers to share their classroom wish lists. The Monte Vista community of parents, grandparents, caregivers, neighbors, and businesses can then purchase items to fulfill their classroom wishes and needs.


The committee chair will work with volunteers to collect wish lists from the teachers, create Amazon donation pages for each teacher, market the wish lists to the KMV community, and then assist with the distribution of items as they are delivered to the school. The chair will be the main point of contact for the committee, will manage any associated budget, and will provide regular updates to the PTO board liaison.

Positions (1/3 filled)

Committee Co-Chairs Signed Up: 0 / 1

Minimum Volunteers needed (Chair): 1
Sign up

Volunteers Signed Up: 0 / 10

Minimum volunteers needed: 4
Sign up

PTO Board Liaison Signed Up: 1 / 1

Reserved for a member of the current PTO Executive board.