🐬 Dolphin Digest - Mouthwatering Menu Filling in for Night Market
Sun, Jan 26 8:48pm


Dear Lafayette Community,


Reminder: School will be closed in observation of the Lunar New Year on Wednesday, January 29th. Happy New Year to all who celebrate!


Potluck signups are filling up for Lafayette Night Market, coming up on February 12th. We're hoping for 60 signups to bring the flavor of our amazing, diverse community. So far, families have signed up to bring small bites representing Colombia, the Philippines, Japan (via Hawaii), El Salvador, Vietnam, China, the Jewish diaspora, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, and Australia. Add your small bites/finger foods here!



In this week's Dolphin Digest:


💵 Annual Give Campaign SO CLOSE to Next Reward Level!
🐬 PTA Meeting - February 12 @ 5pm
🥟 Lafayette Night Market: A Celebration of Food and Cultures - February 12, 6-8pm
📷 Lately at Lafayette (photos)
📅 Calendar at a Glance 
👋 Community (Non-PTA) Corner:
  * Available: Preschool Art Table  
  * Meal Train for Allie Hsiao's Family
  * Support Robbie's Road to Recovery



💵 Annual Give Campaign SO CLOSE to Next Reward Level!

Amazing, Dolphins! Our Annual Give Campaign is really taking off now. The latest count is $96,000!! Thank you, thank you! Just think about all the good that money does for our students.


We are SO close to our 90% goal, which will get our whole school an unforgettable performance by Circus Bella.


Will your donation catapult us to the goal? 


🐬 PTA Meeting - February 12 @ 5pm

Please join us February's PTA meeting! We'll be starting an hour early at 5pm so everyone can stay for Lafayette Night Market!

Light refreshments provided. We'll also have fun door prizes for attendees!

Note: Child care won't be available during this month's meeting because our usual YMCA staff will still be busy running their after-school program. But feel free to bring your child(ren), and we'll make sure they have something to do during the meeting. 😉

In order to be eligible to vote on our motions you must be a paid member of the PTA for a minimum of 30 days. The cost is $10 per member and anyone can join (parents, students, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.). Be sure to join the PTA today!


If you can't join in person, join via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 873 8723 3183
Passcode: 933176

🥟 Lafayette Night Market: A Celebration of Food and Cultures - February 12, 6-8pm

After a multi-year break, we are excited to bring back our Multicultural Night Celebration at Lafayette! Come connect with the community and the many cultures represented by sharing food and participating in fun activities.

We’ll have dumpling-sized bites representing cultures from around the world and different activity tables with arts and crafts. 

We hope you’ll join us for a wonderful and delicious evening!

Food and Event Volunteers needed

For more info on the Lafayette Night Market email co-chairs Jessica (jheting@gmail.com) or Le (le.michelle.klein@gmail.com). 

Thank you ALL in advance for your participation and time. We cannot wait to bring this special celebration back to our community!


📷 Lately at Lafayette (photos)

Thank you to our Stop, Drop and Go volunteers for keeping this crucial program running for yet another week. Looking good out there!

📅 Calendar at a Glance 


- Lunar New Year - NO SCHOOL


- End of Annual Giving Campaign


- Coffee with Mr. K @ 10am


- PTA Meeting @ 5pm - Lafayette Auditorium

- Lafayette Night Market @ 6pm-8pm - Lafayette Schoolyard and Cafeteria


- RESCHEDULED: Party & Auction to Benefit Lafayette Elementary 

👋 Community (Non-PTA) Corner

Community announcements are shared as a service to our members and are not from the PTA. Do you have events, resources, or other info to share with the community? Email lafayetteschoolpta@gmail.com to request a spot in the Dolphin Digest.

Available: Preschool Art Table

Lafayette mom Katherine Stafford would like to offer to the community this solid wood, double-sided art table for preschoolers. Dimensions: 23 H x 33 L x 24 W (inches). 

Please contact her at sayshane@gmail.com if you're interested!


This week, just once more, we're repeating these two opportunities to support Lafayette families who are facing difficult circumstances.

Meal Train for Allie Hsiao's Family

Allie Hsiao, mom of Lafayette Kindergartener Lily, has met a terrible health event recently. After 105 days in the hospital, Allie is home and continues to recover, but she's in a wheelchair, fed by stomach tube, and cognitively impaired, so Chris (Lafayette dad) is caring for both of Allie and Lily. A little more of their story is here; you can help by dropping off a meal so Chris can spend more time with his girls and less time on meal prep.


Sign up to provide a meal here on Meal Train. The family lives right next to school, so pick up your kids, drop off a meal!


Support Robbie's Road to Recovery

Robbie, a child in Mr. Eliot's class (Rm. 218), is in the midst of battling a severe sepsis bacterial infection that spread to his bones and many organs. He has undergone 6+ surgeries so far and will likely be in the hospital for months. Our school social worker led the class in making sweet cards for him, and we wanted to give the rest of the school an opportunity to support with well wishes, prayers, and love. Please send any messages for Robbie and his family here via Analise Guillermo. There is also a Go Fund Me to help cover the extensive medical bills: https://gofund.me/496d212c.



Thanks for reading this week.

Go Dolphins! 🐬


Patricia Wada

VP, Communications 2023–25

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Lafayette Elementary PTA

501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Tax ID# 94-6172049