🐬 Dolphin Digest - What Are You Bringing to the Potluck? 😋
Sun, Feb 2 8:41pm


Dear Lafayette Community,


Here's all the news that's fit to print from Lafayette PTA!


Note: There's still time to sign up to bring a food representing your country/culture to Lafayette Night Market. Add your small bites/finger foods here!



In this week's Dolphin Digest:


✋ Volunteer Corner
📰 News from School Social Worker Emily Newman
☕ Coffee with Mr. K - February 7 @ 10am
💵 Thank You for Supporting the Annual Give Campaign
🐬 PTA Meeting - February 12 @ 5pm
🥟 Lafayette Night Market: A Celebration of Food and Cultures - February 12, 6-8pm
📷 Lately at Lafayette (photos)
📅 Calendar at a Glance 



✋ Volunteer Corner

Read-a-thon Committee needs helpers. Some tasks take as little as 2 hours! Needs include making copies, helping Ms. Jer with the Read-a-thon library display, counting donations, supporting during the author visit (take pictures, coordinate book purchases, etc.), and getting kids hyped by visiting classrooms to publicize the Read-a-thon. Please reach out to LafayetteReads@gmail.com if you can help with any of these tasks.


Night Market Committee is looking for help with set-up, during the event, clean-up, and organizing. Thank you to the 12 wonderful folks who have signed up so far! Please sign up here. 


Stop, Drop and Go is looking for one or two new co-chairs. You could learn the ropes during the current school year and take over next year. According to the current chair, Emily, it's mostly emailing!


📰 News from School Social Worker Emily Newman

Our school social worker, Emily Newman, shared her January newsletter. Read all of her helpful info here! (English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Arabic, Hindi)


We will hear more from Emily at this month's PTA meeting on February 12. Don't miss it!

☕ Coffee with Mr. K - February 7 @ 10am

Join our principal, Mr. K, for coffee and casual conversation at this monthly event. Coffee courtesy of the PTA. Topics courtesy of you?

February 7th


Lafayette Cafeteria

💵 Thank You for Supporting the Annual Give Campaign

As you probably saw a couple of days ago, the Annual Give Campaign raised $107,000 (and counting), thanks to the generosity of so many of YOU!


And remember: It's never too late to donate! 😉


As promised, the kids got to enjoy a fantastic performance by Circus Bella, featuring Coventry and Kaluza. They had a wonderful time watching them juggle, hula hoop, and other performances, and even got to participate in some of the fun activities themselves! Take a peek at some photos here.



We want to give a big hand to our AGC chairs, Victor and Memo, who jumped in with enthusiasm and care for our community. This committee isn't necessarily the most fun to be in charge of, but these guys understand that we need donations to make this PTA what it is, and they worked hard to get the message out! If you've already given money, how about giving Victor and Memo a fist-bump the next time you see them?


Our next fundraiser is coming up soon: The Read-a-thon is March 3-9. We'll have all the details for you soon, including how to sign up for Lafayette's beloved annual neighborhood book swap, which will be on March 1.


🐬 PTA Meeting - February 12 @ 5pm

Please join us February's PTA meeting! We'll be starting an hour early at 5pm so everyone can stay for Lafayette Night Market!

This month, School Social Worker Emily Newman will talk about how staff cares for students' academic and social-emotional concerns.

Light refreshments provided. We'll also have fun door prizes for attendees!

Note: Child care won't be available during this month's meeting because our usual YMCA staff will still be busy running their after-school program. But feel free to bring your child(ren), and we'll make sure they have something to do during the meeting. 😉

In order to be eligible to vote on our motions you must be a paid member of the PTA for a minimum of 30 days. The cost is $10 per member and anyone can join (parents, students, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.). Be sure to join the PTA today!


If you can't join in person, join via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 873 8723 3183
Passcode: 933176

🥟 Lafayette Night Market: A Celebration of Food and Cultures - February 12, 6-8pm

After a multi-year break, we are excited to bring back our Multicultural Night Celebration at Lafayette! Come connect with the community and the many cultures represented by sharing food and participating in fun activities.

We’ll have dumpling-sized bites representing cultures from around the world and different activity tables with arts and crafts. 

We hope you’ll join us for a wonderful and delicious evening!

Food and Event Volunteers needed

For more info on the Lafayette Night Market email co-chairs Jessica (jheting@gmail.com) or Le (le.michelle.klein@gmail.com). 

Thank you ALL in advance for your participation and time. We cannot wait to bring this special celebration back to our community!


📷 Lately at Lafayette (photos)

A few more Circus Bella pics because the show was so amazing!

STEAM Family Day was a hit as well! Feel free to view or add photos to the album here. Thank you to Ms. Tong for organizing this special, fun day. And thank you to everyone who volunteered to make it happen!

📅 Calendar at a Glance 


- Coffee with Mr. K @ 10am


- PTA Meeting @ 5pm - Lafayette Auditorium

- Lafayette Night Market @ 6pm-8pm - Lafayette Schoolyard and Cafeteria


- Lion Dance


- NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day


- Neighborhood Book Swap


- Read-a-thon begins

- Parent-Teacher Conference Week begins


- NO SCHOOL - Spring Break


- RESCHEDULED: Party & Auction to Benefit Lafayette Elementary 

👋 Community (Non-PTA) Corner

Community announcements are shared as a service to our members and are not from the PTA. Do you have events, resources, or other info to share with the community? Email lafayetteschoolpta@gmail.com to request a spot in the Dolphin Digest.

Thanks for reading this week.

Go Dolphins! 🐬


Patricia Wada

VP, Communications 2023–25

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Lafayette Elementary PTA

501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Tax ID# 94-6172049