CORRECTION: ⚾ Giants Tickets for Lafayette Next Week! 🍿
Tue, Aug 27 9:29am


In the latest Dolphin Digest, we announced a special deal on Giants tickets for Lafayette. Now that Back to School Night dates have been announced, I have adjusted the suggestions for game dates and seating areas to avoid scheduling conflicts. You can still buy tickets for any available date, but I hope the suggested dates below will help us see each other at the games! 


If you've already bought tickets but won't be able to go because of Back to School Night, please reply to this email and I'll see what I can do. Next time we'll coordinate better!

Access Code: LAFES24


You can buy tickets for any available date. But it's a big stadium, so if you want to sit near other Dolphins, choose these dates and seating areas:


K-2nd Grade: Tuesday, September 3, Bleacher Section 136

3rd-5th Grade: Wednesday, September 4, Bleacher Section 142


Both games start at 6:45pm. Price is about $14 per ticket. Use access code LAFES24, and $5 per ticket will go back to Lafayette!


Accessibility needs? Click here.


Big thanks to Lafayette Social Worker Emily Newman for getting this set up for us!