Important First Day Info and Super Quick PTA Survey: Can You Fill It Out TODAY?
Mon, Aug 12 7:24am
Hello Everyone! 
I hope everyone had a chance to relax and have some fun this summer. Is it me, or did these months just fly by in record time? I still can't believe we are headed back to school in just ONE WEEK. 
Except I can, because the PTA is already busy getting things ready for all of you to have a great school year. 
I just have a few quick announcements and ONE easy request for all of you. 
First, the request: Each year we send out a SUPER SHORT survey about the PTA. Could you all please take just 5 minutes to fill this out immediately? It helps us understand what our community wants, needs and values so we can spend funds in a way that represents everyone. 
Can you please fill it out NOW, or within the next 24 hours so we can refer to this info at our executive meeting this week when we finalize our 2024/25 budget? Let's see if we can beat last year's less-than-impressive 54 responses.
Ok, and a few announcements: 
We will be welcoming our new families and incoming kinders to Lafayette this Friday, August 16, with our traditional school tour and spaghetti lunch. We need a few volunteers to help out. If you are able to join us please drop your name in one (or more!) of the slots.
Our first PTA General Association Meeting will be held Wednesday, September 11 in the auditorium. Among other things, we will be voting on the budget for the upcoming school year, including how the extra gala funds will be allocated. You must be a member of the PTA for at least 30 days to vote, which means TODAY is the final day to make sure your membership is active and up to date.
Lastly, a reminder that After-School Enrichment Class sign-Ups are LIVE. We have a fantastic selection of after-school enrichment activities this Fall!
Ok, that's it!! See you all on the first day! 
Erin Feher Montoya
Lafayette Elementary PTA
President 2023-2024