PTA Newsletter - November 2024
Tue, Nov 5 8:33am
Dear Lincoln Community, 
The PTA brings to you the November edition of the PTA Newsletter! Read to find out what happened in October, as well as about November's upcoming events, Project Cornerstone updates, volunteer spotlights as well as information on how YOU can be a part of this group. We hope you enjoy reading it and decide to connect with us - we value your feedback.
Don't miss!
November Box Tops - earn 25 box tops ($2.50) by opening a Box Tops account today, and earn 50 bonus box tops ($5) by connecting Box Tops and Walmart accounts for the first time
Spirit Wear Sale - during Assembly in 11/8 and PTA Meeting 11/13
Ruby Bridges Walk to School Event - 11/14
and so much more
best wishes,
Lincoln PTA