Volunteer Requirements
Tue, Aug 29 2:20pm

Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Parent/caregiver volunteers are a huge part of what makes Lincoln such a wonderful community. You are needed and appreciated! 


All district requirements must be COMPLETED and VERIFIED before your first time volunteering on campus during school hours/in the classroom. Please go to https://www.cusdk8.org/volunteering for more information. 


New Volunteers:

Summary of requirements:

  • TB Test (valid within 4 years of test read date)
  • Fingerprinting through LiveScan (CUSD contracts with the UPS Store at 

2784 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, for a discounted rate)

  • Volunteer Agreement Form (at website above - click on Lincoln)

Returning Volunteers:

  • Complete the online volunteer form that must be submitted every year, even if you are a returning volunteer who was cleared in past years.


If you have any questions, please contact:  Rochelle Chu at chu_rochelle@cusdk8.org or 408-252-4798 x70105.