Earth Day Celebration
Sat, Apr 20 10:00am-3:00pm
Llewellyn Elementary School
1 day before

Join us for a community celebration for Earth Day! Drop in when you can for this event - whether it's for an hour or two, or just a few minutes. Here's what to expect:

  • Garden work party to spread mulch + spruce up the space for spring
  • Nature themed crafts and activities for the kids
  • Mason bee expert Debbie from Naturehood will be there to answer your mason questions (it's their nesting season!) + talk about the science program at Llewellyn

This event is always *super* fun because it's a simple excuse to see our community come together to catch up chatting (if you feel like it), do a little hard labor (if you feel like it), and enjoy the sunshine (hopefully everyone feels like it). Please join us, even if it's a short drop in!


We could still use helpers! If you want to lend a hand with crafts, activities, and/or games, please email Renee Wilkinson: We're a little light on support for this event, but always seem to make it still happen :)