Readathon Winners and Prize Announcements
Wed, Feb 7 7:07pm

Thank you Llewellyn Community for a spectacular first Llewellyn Readathon! As a school, our kids read over 181,000 minutes in 12 days and raised over $35,000 for the PTA. Thank you for all your support for our growing readers. We are pleased to be able to use these funds next year to be able to  offer free field trips, art in the classrooms, teacher stipends, and lots more than helps make this school so special. 

Now the moment we've all been waiting for! Read to the bottom to learn about a bonus prize for the whole school! 


Minutes Winners


Congratulations to our top minute readers for each grade. You each get a $50 gift certificate to Wallace Books to feed your reading addictions! You should be getting those in school by the end of the week. 


Elowen S - Top Kinder reader (Kanz)

Seraphina L. - Top 1st grade reader (Omey), plus 3rd overall 

Nate C - Top 2nd grade reader (Cronen)
Elise L. - Top 3rd grade reader (Stelter)
Fiona O. - 1st overall, top 4th grade reader (Woods) (5123 minutes!)
Talia C. - Top 5th grade reader (Amey)
Max D - Top CB K-2 reader (Gallagher)
Plus with a highly competitive fourth grade, these 2000+ minute 4th graders deserve a bravo - plus a $25 gift certificate to Wallace Books for our overall second and fourth place winners.
Teddy W - second overall (Streano)
Isabel R -  fourth overall (Prelosky)
Eva A - sixth overall (Prelosky) 
Adrien L. - eighth overall (Streano) 
Top Fundraiser
Thank you to June T. of Ms. Coholan's class, for being the top Readathon fundraiser! You win a Principal for a Day with Ms. Gwynn. Thanks to all our fundraisers for helping support the PTA! 
Raffle Winners
Our raffle prize winners were Deacon B. for principal for a day and Edi C. for librarian for a day. Thank you for inviting your friends and family to participate! 
Top Classes by Minutes
We had a sweep of the fourth grades, with Ms. Streano, Ms. Prelosky, and Ms. Woods' classes winning the prize. Special bravo to Ms. Streano's class for eking out the narrowest of victories over Ms. Prelosky's class. You all get an ice cream sundae party! We're in the process of finding big enough ice cream containers to satisfy their hungry minds. :) Details soon. 
Whole School - 100,000 Minutes!
We made our school-wide goal of 100,000 minutes! That means our students earned a stuffy and PJ party. Details coming soon. 
Our students read SO much more than their goal that we've decided to have a bonus event of a game hour plus a sweet treat provided by the PTA. Details on this coming soon as well. 
THANK YOU to everyone for your support! We are so glad to have such an amazing community of readers. Special thanks to Ms. Coholan and Iniray Luper for all their help throughout this event.