Run Llewellyn - Parent Volunteers Needed
Fri, Oct 6 8:00am-2:15pm
Llewellyn Elementary School

Come out to cheer on your runner for Run Llewellyn on October 6th!

We need parent volunteers to mark laps, check in parents and family members, cheer on the runners.  A detailed schedule is below.

Please sign up if you would like to volunteer for this event.


Run Llewellyn Schedule October 6th, 2023
8:15-8:45: 2nd grade
8:50-9:20: Kinder/ Gallagher
9:25-9:55: 4th grade/ Evans
10:00-10:30: 1st grade
10:35-11:05: 5th grade
11:30-12:40: Lunch break
12:45-1:15: 3rd grade
1:50-2:10: Popsicles


Run Llewellyn Volunteer (marking laps) Signed Up: 8 / 8

Fri, Oct 6 8:00am-10:00am

Run Llewellyn Volunteer (signing in parents/visitors) Signed Up: 3 / 3

Fri, Oct 6 8:00am-10:00am

Run Llewellyn Volunteer (cheer squad) Signed Up: 10 / 10

Fri, Oct 6 8:00am-10:00am

Run Llewellyn Volunteer (marking laps) Signed Up: 7 / 8

Fri, Oct 6 10:00am-11:30am
Sign up

Run Llewellyn Volunteer (signing in parents/visitors) Signed Up: 1 / 3

Fri, Oct 6 10:00am-11:30am
Sign up

Run Llewellyn Volunteer (cheer squad) Signed Up: 3 / 10

Fri, Oct 6 10:00am-11:30am
Sign up

Run Llewellyn Volunteer (marking laps) Signed Up: 7 / 8

Fri, Oct 6 12:30pm-2:15pm
Sign up

Run Llewellyn Volunteer (signing in parents/visitors) Signed Up: 1 / 3

Fri, Oct 6 12:30pm-2:15pm
Sign up

Run Llewellyn Volunteer (cheer squad & posicile distribution) Signed Up: 3 / 10

Fri, Oct 6 12:30pm-2:15pm
Sign up