Spring Garden Helpers
Llewellyn Elementary School

Our school garden needs some spring love!  Below is a list of construction projects, event support, and classroom support. The construction projects are currently the greatest, time-sensitive need. We want to get the space in shape this month, if possible!


Please contact ReneeCBWilkinson@gmail.com if you have questions about the level of effort or commitment. It takes a village!


Shed roof replacement Signed Up: 0 / 2

The garden shed roof leaks and needs to be rebuilt! The new roof will need to extend off the backside another 1-2', to protect our season mason bee houses from the rain. PTA will cover the cost of supplies, but we need helpers to get the supplies and install.
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Install fence pickets Signed Up: 1 / 1

We have the pickets, but need someone to install on the existing fence frame. Bonus points if you want to paint them white!

Remove/recycle old raised beds Signed Up: 1 / 1

Help us dispose of the old, rotten wood raised beds. We can help find the right place to recycle it and reimburse for those fees, if you can load and take it away. This might be 2-3 truck loads.

Craft Lead Signed Up: 0 / 2

1-2 people to take the lead on planning, organizing, and leading craft activities. We can likely recruit additional folks to help the day of the event, as we get closer.
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Garden Lead Signed Up: 1 / 2

1-2 people to take the lead on planning, organizing, and leading a garden work party. Typically this is spreading mulch, weeding, or other seasonal garden jobs.
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Games/Activity Lead Signed Up: 1 / 2

1-2 people to take the lead on planning, organizing, and leading games or earth-themed activities. This could be as simple as chalk art, playing with bubbles, creating a nature-themes scavenger hunt, etc.
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Classroom Garden Liaisons Signed Up: 4 / 12

Can you take the lead on connecting with your teacher, or grade level, or multiple classrooms to help them use the garden? We've got loads seeds you could use for in-classroom projects. We can give you a tour of the garden/shed, so you can lead classrooms in outdoor garden time (raking paths, pulling weeds, exploring soil, etc). Interest varies among teachers in using the garden space, but dedicated classroom garden helpers makes it much easier for them to get out there.
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