Volunteer Opportunity for the PPS Clothing Center--Thursday, January 23
Thu, Jan 23 10:30am-2:30pm
Llewellyn Elementary School
2 days before

Thursday, January 23 is Llewellyn's day to send 5-6 volunteers from 9:30am -1:30pm to help kids receive donated clothing and to help sort donations so the kids can have a variety of options to choose.


Volunteers can be parents, grandparents or community members. Each PPS school is responsible for sending volunteers two times during the school year to assist students in receiving clothing and shoes. We are excited to be able to have families come to shop for their students. This past school year, we assisted nearly 1,400 PPS Students! And logged over 2,800 volunteer hours!


The sole purpose of the Clothing Closet is  to furnish age-appropriate clothing that fit children that need these services. By caring for the basic needs of our youth and allowing them to dress as their peers, we are encouraging positive self-esteem, academic success and regular class attendance.   All Portland Public School children that do not have access to age-appropriate clothing are eligible to be referred to the PTA Clothing Center.


It is located at the Marshall Campus; 3905 SE 91st, Room B-60.  Volunteers should check in at the Clothing Center.


Any questions, parents can contact our Clothing Closet committee chair, Kimberly Levelle at klevelle@gmail.com, in person in the 4th grade pickup/drop off area, or text 206-851-5008.


Note:  The Clothing Closet is in need of gently used clothing for students in sizes 4T through 4X to fit the pre-school child up to the high school student. Donations of new and gently used clothing may be brought to Marshall Campus or dropped off at any PPS school. We also need school supplies for students in need. 


Volunteer for PPS Clothing Closet Signed Up: 4 / 6

Thu, Jan 23 9:30am-1:30pm
Sign up