Thursday, Oct. 3rd is Llewellyn's day to send 5-6 volunteers from 9:30am -1:30pm to help kids receive clothing and to help sort donations so the kids can choose from a variety of choices.
Volunteers can be parents, grandparents or community members. Each PPS school is responsible for sending volunteers two times during the school year to assist students in receiving clothing and shoes. We are excited to be able to have families come to shop for their students. This past school year, we assisted nearly 1,400 PPS Students! And logged over 2,800 volunteer hours.
It is located at the Marshall Campus; 3905 SE 91st, Room B-60. Volunteers should check in at the Clothing Center.
Any questions, parents can contact me at, in the 4th grade pickup/drop off area, or text 206-851-5008
Volunteer for PPS Clothing Closet Signed Up: 3 / 6Thu, Oct 3 9:30am-1:30pm
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