CAPTNS Special Election to Appoint Treasurer for the 2017-18 School Year
Thu, May 25
Mariposa School Office
1 day before

Please read the candidate’s statements and cast your ballot.  Ballots may be printed out at home or picked up in the office.  All ballots must be signed, sealed and returned to the office no later than Thursday, May 25th at 3pm.  



Lori Mellman (with Diana Peters)

Hello, my name is Lori Mellman, mother of a Mariposa kindergartener, and I am a candidate for Accounts Receivable Treasurer.  I believe I have the proper qualifications for the duty.  I have a bachelor’s degree in business, majoring in finance and I have been the treasurer of my oldest son’s cub scout pack for five years.  I have a good head for numbers and I even worked at a bank during college.  If accepted, I will perform my responsibilities with dedication and loyalty.  I love and respect Mariposa and it would be an honor to help in this capacity.

Thank you


Diana Peters (with Lori Mellman)

Diana Peters has 2 kids at Mariposa and a 3rd will be joining in the near future.  She has worked in finance and accounting for over 15 years, specializing in campaign reporting for local, state and federal campaigns.  She currently works as a finance manager for a large non-profit and is heavily involved in issues of sustainability and social justice projects. As an MBA graduate she looks forward to contributing her accounting skills to sustain the fiscal development of our school.


Ballots may be printed out as PDF file attached or available at the office.  

  • One ballot may be completed by each parent (maximum of two per family).  


  • All ballots must be SIGNED or they cannot be counted.  


  • Ballots must be folded and stapled closed (or sealed in an envelope) before depositing in the Special Election Ballot folder in the office.  
  • All ballots are due no later than 3pm on Thursday, May 25th, 2017