📢⭐️ Tuesday Shoutout ☕️📕🐴📸
Wed, Sep 11 12:46am


We hope you all have had a a good start to the school year. 

A big thank to the hosts and attendees of   Marshall Lane 80's Party fundraiser   this past Saturday - it was a fun event!

☕️ Principal's Coffee Chat this Friday
Friday, Sept. 13 @ 8:20am in Staff Lounge
Topic: Attendance - submit questions

Marshall Lane Education Fund
This year we are asking for donations of $300+ per student to fund all the programs and school support the PTA provides.  Any amount is appreciated.

📕 Yearbook Early Bird Pricing ($28)

🐴 Buy Spirit Wear (Marshall Lane Mustangs)

PTA Membership (Join/Renew)

Volunteer opportunities - contact parents through Konstella

  • Art Vistas, Outdoor Education Center (OEC), Project Cornerstone, Library Helper, AIM, and Room Parent - to volunteer contact your child's teacher (through email, ParentSquare or in person)
  • PTA Assemblies & Staff Appreciation Luncheons - to volunteer, contact Meena Venkateswaran and Indhu Muthuraman
  • Family Bingo Nights & Movie Nights - to volunteer, contact Suzanne Sabharwal
  • Library Dedications - to volunteer, contact Gwen Egan & Frances Sun
  • Yearbook - to volunteer, contact to Christa Levine and Michelle Busque
  • Pumpkin Fest & Glow Dance - to volunteer contact Rashma Patel
  • Steam Day & World Culture Fest - to volunteer contact Meena Venkateswaran
  • Walk-a-thon - to volunteer contact Christa Levine & Rashma Patel
  • Book Fairs - to volunteer contact Eileen Weinstein
  • Dining Out Night Committee - to join contact Amber Ulrich
  • Yard Duty - to volunteer contact Ann Steele in the front office
  • Girls on the Run - to coach contact Rashma Patel

📸 Request for Yearbook Back-to-School Pictures

Coffee Chat Flyer

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