Pumpkin Fest 2023: Raffle Basket Donations
Marshall Lane Elementary

Build a Basket for the Pumpkin Fest Raffle! 

The idea is you fill a basket with goodies, often centered around a theme of your choice.  For example, a theme can be painting and you can fill the basket with paints, brushes, stamps, paint books, a ceramic paint kit, etc.

  • The baskets will be on display at Pumpkin Fest. Attendees can buy raffle tickets to try and win the various baskets.
  • Baskets tend to be valued between $50-$100 but there is no exact amount required.
  • Please use the notes field to specify the theme of your basket.
  • We are also collecting donations for two, to-be-built baskets with the themes of "Game Night" and "Arts and Crafts" so if you would prefer to donate items for these baskets, please bring your new and unused items to Room 25 by Thursday, October 19.
  • Please drop off completed baskets by Thursday, October 19 in Room 25.
  • Got a question? Email Shivani Mehta shivdmehta@gmail.com



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Raffle Basket #5 Signed Up: 1 / 1

Raffle Basket #6 Signed Up: 1 / 1

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Raffle Basket #9 Signed Up: 0 / 1

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Raffle Basket #10 Signed Up: 0 / 1

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Raffle Basket #11 Signed Up: 0 / 1

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Raffle Basket #12 Signed Up: 0 / 1

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