MVSA Meeting
Tue, Nov 14 7:00pm-8:00pm
Mission Valley Elementary School
1 day before
Dear MVSA Community,
The next MVSA meeting will be Tuesday, November 14 from 7-8pm via Zoom. Come join us to provide your input!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 5045 3679
Passcode: 793325
Agenda items will include:
1) Review of last meeting’s minutes
2) Principal’s Update
3) Teacher’s Update
4) President’s Update - Busy Beaver fundraiser final results
5) Treasurer’s Update - Payments, Tax filing, Savings account
6) Committee Updates - (including Science Olympiad, Spelling Bee, Multi-Cultural Celebrations)
7) Potential New Budget Items
8) New Business?
Please email if you have agenda items to add, including committee updates.
Meeting materials are posted on as they become available.
All the best,
Nancy Huang
MVSA President