Carpool Safety Committee

The Carpool Safety Committee shall oversee the monitoring and direction of carpool traffic in the mornings and afternoons to ensure parents drive safely and that foot traffic arrives to and departs from school safely. The Committee shall ensure no fewer than eight volunteers are present for each day's morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up segments. In collaboration with Bess Inzeo (School Principal), the Committee is responsible for the training and oversight of all carpool parent/guardian volunteers.

Please direct any inquiries to

Positions (0/2 filled)

Carpool Committee Chair Signed Up: 0 / 1

The Carpool Safety Committee Chair shall collaborate with Committee Members in overseeing the monitoring and direction of carpool traffic in the mornings and afternoons to ensure vehicles and pedestrians operate safely. The Committee Chair shall ensure no fewer than eight volunteers are present for each day's morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up segments.
Sign up

Carpool Committee Members Signed Up: 3 / 6

The Carpool Safety Committee Member shall collaborate with Committee Chair in overseeing the monitoring and direction of carpool traffic in the mornings and afternoons to ensure vehicles and pedestrians operate safely. The Committee Members shall ensure no fewer than eight volunteers are present for each day's morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up segments.
Sign up