Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee will collaborate with school office manager and administration and manage all phases of several on-campus events including but not limited to:

  • Collaborate with Bess for recurring (monthly?) Tea with the Principal meetings in library;
  • Monthly teacher appreciation activities (Pay Day candy bars for one pay day, coffee & donuts, replenish teacher break room, etc).
  • Fall family mixer/dance in multi-use room (September? Confer with administration)
  • Cards & Cocoa family night (December 4th, 2024); collaborate with Book Fair Committee
  • Winter family mixer/dance in multi-use room (February 7, 2025)
  • Teacher appreciation week (May 5, 2025 through May 9th, 2025)
  • Pajamas & Popcorn family night (April 23, 2025); collaborate with Book Fair Committee
  • Gail Adams Memorial Winter Social; a Saturday pancake brunch in early-to-mid winter in multi use room (*tentative; additional discussion required).

The Committee's primary goal is to ensure that all parents and teachers feel welcomed and appreciated at Monte Gardens. The Committee Chair will collaborate with Committee Members and delegate tasks and responsibilities to ensure work is evenly distributed and completed on time.

Please direct any inquiries to

Positions (1/2 filled)

Hospitality Committee Chair Signed Up: 1 / 1

The Hospitality Committee Chair oversees the activities and initiatives related to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment within the school community. Their role involves organizing and coordinating various events and initiatives aimed at promoting a sense of belonging and building positive relationships. They collaborate with volunteers to plan and execute events such as parent socials, staff appreciation activities, and community engagement initiatives. Additionally, the Hospitality Committee Chair ensures that hospitality and support are extended to new families, visitors, and special guests, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere within the school.

Hospitality Committee Members Signed Up: 2 / 8

A Committee Member provides valuable support to the Hospitality Committee Chair in their efforts to create a welcoming and inclusive environment within the school community. They assist in organizing and coordinating various events and initiatives, working closely with the Chair and other committee members. Their responsibilities may include tasks such as event logistics, communication with volunteers and participants, preparing materials, and assisting with event setup and cleanup. The Committee Member plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth execution of hospitality-related activities and contributes to fostering a positive and inclusive atmosphere within the school community.
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