Parent Education Committee

The Parental Education Committee is dedicated to empowering parents with knowledge and skills to support their children's education and overall development. Through avenues including segments of Parents Club general meetings, periodic workshops, resources, and other information sessions, the committee strives to create a strong partnership between parents, teachers, and the school community.

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Positions (0/2 filled)

Education Committee Chair Signed Up: 0 / 1

The Parental Education Committee Chair leads the committee in developing and implementing educational initiatives for parents. They collaborate with Committee Assistants to organize workshops, seminars, and guest speaker events on relevant topics on a recurring basis. The chair works with school staff, experts, and community organizations to gather resources, promotes parental education events, and ensures alignment with the overall goals of the PTA. The Chair provides regular updates to the Parents Club executive board and attendance at general membership meetings is required. Time commitment may vary based on number of volunteers, how Chair delegates responsibilities, time of year and related efforts.
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Education Committee Member Signed Up: 0 / 3

Parental Education Committee Member support the chair in planning and organizing workshops and events. They assist with resource gathering, researching relevant topics, and promoting events through various communication channels. Members coordinate logistics, participate in committee meetings, contribute ideas, and provide support during workshops and events, ensuring a smooth flow and addressing participant inquiries. Time commitment may vary based on number of volunteers, how Chair delegates responsibilities, time of year and related efforts.
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